Today, I take a look at my hometown. I believe I can make a difference most in my own community. Impacting the lives of the people I associate with seems more within my grasp. That’s why when the city of Boston sponsors green economic development, I am personally excited. It means that my community is doing something for the environment and is spending their money on renewable alternatives.

          My favorite so far is the urban compost center that will be the first of its kind. It will capture heat from a compost heap made of local restaurant scraps and yard waste and turn it into energy. The co2 that burns off will contribute to a greenhouse full of plants located above the compost pile. They have made plans to install wind turbines on the roof of city hall and there are other initiatives as well.  Also Massachusetts based Evergreen Solar has announced it will double its size and add 350 jobs.

In the article they also cite that

“Besides Evergreen, the state recently attracted a wind blade research facility that will be built near the Tobin Bridge. In addition, Greatpoint Energy, a Cambridge company that specializes in coal and natural gas conversion technology, is building a pilot facility in Somerset, MA.”

          It seems like communities across the country are looking to be the leaders in renewable energy and green business practices. I have read the phrase “If we take advantage of the green movement, we can put (insert region) at the forefront of growth in this industry” or something like that by writers from Buffalo, Vermont, Ohio, Indiana, and New Mexico. California and Oregon seem like they are already at the forefront. Hot weather desert states have the sun while the plains are looking towards corn and wind. Detroit has said they want to be at the forefront and think they have what it takes.

          I don’t want to get too historical but besides the analogies to the Industrial Revolution, I’ve also heard the “space race mentality” term being thrown around a bit too. All of these states, along with private corporations, are competing to be leaders and create a competitive advantage. This type of competition also speeds up the progression to a Green Collar Economy.

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised in campaign funds this election cycle just as there is every four years. Also, hundreds of millions of dollars have been promised to promote green industry by the very candidates who are raising the money.

Obama and Hillary have interesting plans and I choose to take them lightly because pre-inauguration ideas might be different once someone is in office. To his credit John McCain hasn’t made big promises to the extent that the Democrats have but then again he doesn’t have as much of a responsibility to the working middle class who like hearing about expansive job creation, such as in the green manufacturing area.

But, I read a quote today that tells a lot about the American people. It really brings home the point that there’s no time like the present and people can make change in their communities and have it resonate throughout the country:

Lane County businesses — spurred by state and local incentives — have got the ball rolling…’Politicians are lagging a little behind, if anything,” Brex said. “We’re not waiting for politicians to get their act together. We’re making it happen now.’